Saturday 10 March 2012


How much do we change when we age? This is true to my opinion, hardly debatable. Some things stay the same, the exception to the rule. I still want to finish writing my novel, which I started about 10 years ago. I still have the same wants and needs, it is nearly frightening how similar they are, from the 21 year old me to the 31 year old me. I could go further into detail but at the moment I decide not to. Do we have the same worries as we age? I think not. I have seen myself worry and concern a lot less as I have aged. One of the reasons I started to study biology at university was me trying to prevent my own death through genetic manipulation, or was it. I am not scared of death, but I am convinced that humans can achieve great goals if they really try.

Do you remember they saying that people will regret what they did in the past, like slacking off at school and then not landing a well paying job, maybe being on welfare etc? The majority of people probably does not regret, any thoughts on this? I could have done more at high school / college, but I had fun, I lived and loved my life as I wanted to, specifically at the time. This is what everyone ought to do. How much change is even possible? I do not adhere to the vague theory that everything is set in place already, so we can change the world in my opinion. We can do what we want, preferably this would be doing good. Or at the very least doing good for ourselves!

Do you want to change yourself? Do you really want to? Think about it.

Thursday 8 March 2012

Is this happening to me or through me?

Who created us, what makes us, who do we think we are?

Is it just chemicals, or are we solely a product of interaction with the animate and inanimate world around us, our friends and family, our work and our lifestyle? According to research, love is oxytocin, a chemical. (its a bit more complicated but this will do to simplify things) Who we fall in love with could be the result of smells and the interactions of our organs (not only the brain) and bodily systems instead of the so-called romantic love you hear about in all the novels and movies.

What we like to eat might not be a choice either, a lot of the pleasure that our tastebuds experience comes from foods provided to you during your mothers pregnancy and early childhood as well. We can relearn and readjust the tastes of certain foods for us, most of us do not do this. Why not, it is very common to walk the path of the least resistance. Are we being ourselves doing this, or do we have to step out of the box, and act differently? Should we act on instinct, or according to a life-plan that many individuals choose to follow? Does it matter to us, does it matter to the world?

I hope I am loosing you with all of these questions, I am trying to dissect what we are, as humans, over the next few years, it really interests me. I do believe that the potential of the human race is extraordinary and our humanity is the problem that prevents us from being pure beings of awesome. I intent on reading more books like "the selfish gene" etc to understand everything better and to do a good job of explaining it to you. There is so much out there, our planet is beautiful, in all its aspects, I pity you if you fail to see this. Human interactions are awe-inspiring, from hate to love and everything that you could name.

How many actions are reactions? I believe that most things we want to file under "bad" can have positive effects, or avoided in a great many cases. Do I want to make the world a better place, is this even possible? Yes and no.

Think about it.